electrical switchboard upgrade physical location and wiring with Shockproof Electrical and Data in Melbourne

Upgrade your Electrical Switchboard

With an exponential rise in the use of electrical appliances at homes, it has become more important than ever to keep the electrical circuits and equipment protected and safe. Australia’s safety procedures have also improved a lot, and having an upgraded switchboard is one of these standards.

Electrical switchboard is responsible for controlling the electrical wiring of your home. If your switchboard is quite old and you have not gotten it checked or replaced in a long, it is probably the time to consider upgrading.

To Upgrade your Switchboard Today Call Us.

Call: 1300 705 709

Call Shockproof Electrical today to have your electrical switchboard upgrade by your local Melbourne Electrician.

Why you should Upgrade your Electrical Switchboard

There are some common reasons to upgrade your switchboard:

electrical switchboard upgrade because of risk of short circuits


Since a switchboard is the primary hub of your houses to supply electricity to all of the appliances, it should be in the best and up-to-date condition. Power coming from the street is directed into your electrical switchboard and distributed to the circuits coming in and out of your home. The electrical efficiency of your home starts from the switchboard.

Older switchboards have greater chances of getting short-circuited. It means the chances of fuses catching fire, electrocutions, and other electrical problems can possibly increase due to old switchboards. If your switchboard uses replaceable wires on the fuses, it should be replaced immediately as it can be dangerous.

electrical switchboard upgrade and safety switch issues

Lack of Power Supply

A lot of home appliances have become an essential part of our everyday lives. We rely on many electrical machines like computers, chargeable smart devices, ACs, home theatres, ovens, pool pumps, audio systems, and many other such electrical equipment. Thus, it is very important for the switchboard to manage the amount of electric current needed by the household appliances. Due to the insufficient power supply, your house can suffer from flickering lights: safety switch failure, and constant power tripping.

It simply means, if you are thinking about getting a large electrical appliance or want a new power outlet in your house, you must invest in upgrading your electrical switchboard. If you are using an old switchboard or have ceramic fuses, your home is not in compliance with the present Australian rules and regulations. It is very dangerous and can lead to unfortunate mishaps.

electrical switchboard upgrade because of lack of power supply

Safety Switch

Older switchboards don’t provide safety switch. The purpose of a safety switch is to give you the option of cutting down power and restoring it whenever required. It is an important feature of the latest switchboards.

Upgraded switchboard protects you and your family against many possible safety hazards created by electrical issues. It is a very modest investment. If you would like to get your electrical switchboard examined by our experts, give us a call, and we will give you our best professional opinion. A complete assessment will be conducted before upgrading the switchboard, and it will be checked for any possible defects. We can upgrade the switchboard quickly, in case of an emergency, or you can set a particular date for the up-gradation process. To keep your family protected, do not delay it too much and get your switchboard upgraded as soon as you can.

When do you need a switchboard to upgrade?

It is important to note that electrical wiring procedures and general electrical standards are revised every few years. You should make sure that the equipment installed at your home is according to the latest standards, and having an updated switchboard is a big part of it. The law mandates to have a switchboard upgrade to enable RCD protection, whenever you make any changes to the power outlets of your house.

It simply means, if you are thinking about getting a large electrical appliance or want a new power outlet in your house, you must invest in upgrading your electrical switchboard. If you are using an old switchboard or have ceramic fuses, your home is not in compliance with the present Australian rules and regulations. It is very dangerous and can lead to unfortunate mishaps.

Most easy of determining whether you need an electrical upgrade is to consider the following factors:

  • Blowing of the fuses
  • Safety switches failure or breakers trip while using multiple appliances.
  • Flickering lights
  • Buzzing or unusual sounds from the switchboard panel
  • Old switchboards made use of ceramic fuses which were able to support only a few home appliances. New switchboards are needed to prevent potential fire hazards and avoid overloading.
  • Switchboard is installed at a vulnerable location and needs to be relocated.
  • Old houses usually have old switchboards that need to be upgraded.
  • If you have renovated your house, it can add extra burden on the electrical switchboard. You may need an upgraded switchboard to support the new appliances and extra current requirement.
electrical switchboard upgrade with Shockproof Electrical and Data in Melbourne

How to upgrade your switchboard?

  • Contact Shockproof Electrical and Data
  • Our professional experts will conduct a thorough safety inspection
  • We will suggest the upgrading solutions
  • You can rely on us to provide the best switchboard upgrading solutions.

Do not wait. Call Us Now.

Call: 1300 705 709

Importance of Switchboard Upgrade

The wiring integrity in your house is extremely important for the safety of you and your family. We ensure complete protection of your home and family members by providing modern services like complete examination of the electrical switchboard and upgrading it to the highest standards. Some houses are still using the porcelain and ceramic fuses which are outdated and unsafe.

If you need any help in getting your switchboard upgraded and be safe from any potential electrical hazards, contact Shockproof Electrical and Data to avail our professional services.